Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The beginning of Uchideshi

A new blog, a new journey........

Hi and welcome to our Blog. We have created this blog for you and invite you in to our world. We hope this portal will serve as a tool to educate, as well as a tool to share our experiences and allow you to follow our journey into the life of a Uchideshi......

Uchideshi is a Japanese term for live-in student who trains under and assists a sensei, on a full time basis.

"Throughout history, committed disciples of an art have resided for a time within the actual training hall or temple. There, a life is lived that is focused on discipline, ceaseless training, and service to others. Through forging of the body and spirit in the crucible of the dojo, these uchideshi –"inside students"- seek to develop true strength and wisdom."

"What should emerge from this training is a new person, like a brilliant sharp sword emerging from rough iron through the action of hammer and fire. The uchideshi learns to see this very body and mind, moment to moment, as the true dojo. Life in this way becomes shugyo: the deepest possible physical and spiritual training. "

It is now five days before we begin this amazing journey....
It is not to often a couple gets the opportunity to emerge themselves into a physical and spiritual training together with a common thread of developing individual strength and wisdom. We have decided to do exactly that....
Amber and I have been married now for a little over a year. We met on a movie set in Shreveport, La in March 2007 and it was love at first sight. Within six months we were married and within a year we had relocated to San Diego, Ca. In the early days, Amber was a performing artist, traveling in a tour bus and doing live shows around the country and I was a tumbleweed dreamer bouncing around from place to place trying to find my niche. Amber has appeared in several movies as well as appeared on the cover and sang on a handful of records. She has lived the life of a rock star and a movie star and knows the life that goes with it. Since that March day of 2008, Amber and I have seen it all. We have traveled the country together, traveled with a ministry together, lived on a sailboat together, and much more. We have been through good times and bad. We have stuck together through this first couple of years with a bond so strong that not even the devil himself could break it. With that bond, I believe any thing is possible and I sincerely believe that love will conquer all. We have decided that the "normal" life is not for us and we have set out to expand our mind, our relationship and our horizons. We have put fear in the back seat and put faith behind the wheel. So buckle up, its gonna be a good one. We hope you enjoy our postings and invite you to send us comments or add us to your facebook or twitter friends. I will update as much as my time will allow and hope you enjoy the reading.

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