Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day twelve, Training Day Eight

O'Sensei's Doka:

I stand in the mountain stream
So pure! The splashing sound of water against the stone
Yet where is the person
Who with such purity can speak (of the Way).

Should you lose the Way
Without a doubt you will enter an "evil path"
Give no reign to the spiritual horse.

Mobilize all (your) powers through Aiki
Build a beautiful world
And a secure peace

Aiki is the power of harmony between all things
Polish it ceaselessly
You people of the Way.

Looking at this world
Only a coward complains of what he sees
As for me
Let me stand courageously
In the face of God's rage.

Today marks my first day into my second week of training. I was unable to train yesterday due to being exhausted from work. My schedule has been quite hectic and busy lately as I am trying to juggle much in my life right now. For one I have a full time job for a resort in mission bay as night auditor. I work that job three - four days a week from 11pm - 7am. Also, I am still running and trying to continue to build and improve my own business, I am currently participating in scuba and snorkel tours three - four times a week. And on top of my work, I have fit Aikido in my life as well as recently interviewed to be a Big Brother. I spend alot of my extra time, when I do have some, on the internet reviewing my website, learning about Aikido, writing this blog and my other blog,, working on my e-commerce site, and sleep. It seems recently I have been getting less and less sleep and I feel it is now beginning to catch up with me after two weeks. I am beginning to slow down my pace as I dont want to get injured.

I attended the second class this morning, missing the first one because I slept in. Again this morning I got off work at 7am and I was so tired that I fell asleep straight away after getting home. I was woken to Arthur knocking on my bedroom door right before the second class was to begin. I hurried to put on my gi and I was down the stairs in minutes. Class started shortly after. Today I practiced with the jo and bokken as well as worked on some techniques. I still havent learned the names to much and havent even come close to knowing all the moves and techniques much less mastering them. I anticpate a few more weeks before I get the techniques and moves down and years and years and years to master them. I hope I am advancing at expectations and not falling behind. With my schedule as busy as its been, I have not been able to make all the training sessions. I have been reminded today, by Sensei, that this is a school not an apartment. I will continue to do my best and I will hope that I exceed expecations. I am not sure how long this journey will last and I hope I have not overloaded my self with activity. I feel I should be fine and the kinks will smooth out with time. Amber has also been quite busy and hasn't been able to make many classes. Her schedule at work has been conflicting with training as she has only made it to four training sessions. I cannot predict the future and do not know what is around the corner. I can say that I do enjoy being here, I enjoy this newfound community, I enjoy training aikido and I look forward to learning all I can.

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